Atlantic Highlands Mayoral Candidate Was Using the Atlantic Highlands Police Department as a Fund-Raising Tool for Anti-Police Groups

Why is Police Commissioner and Mayoral Candidate Hohenleitner hiding her bias against our local Atlantic Highlands Police Department?


The following disappointing information has just come across my desk: a Facebook post where Hohenleitner is raising money with a supporter for a protest she sponsored in 2020.  In the post she is using her position to tell the supporter what the Atlantic Highlands Police overtime budget is.  Apparently that number was their motivational target/goal for the funding. Why would a Councilmember and especially a Police Commissioner use her own police department as a foil for her protest fundraising?  Did she think about the effect on department morale? 

Thinking about this logically, it’s hard to think how raising money for a protest with the intention of exceeding the Atlantic Highlands police overtime budget could have resulted in a good outcome.  Considering the individual writing the post prefaces the word police with the word f**k, it's clear her intentions weren’t good.  There just isn't anything good that can be implied from her actions.  This was irresponsible and a terrible reflection of her judgment and character. This is the only conclusion a reasonable person could make. What was she thinking? 

Holding yourself out to be pro police while simultaneously undermining them is a violation of your public responsibility to this town and its residents. She does not have the moral authority to be a police commissioner. Hohenleitner should step down from the position, it's embarrassing for Atlantic Highlands residents to have her there. 


This is not the only action she has taken that was anti-police.  She was also the co-author of a disingenuous apology for a FB post that insinuated the AHPD police shoot unarmed individuals.  It received many negative comments citing her apology.  We also have a police report of her conspiring with an individual because they were a retired police officer.  More on that later.


If you want to support our police department, this October 18, at 7 pm at St. Agnes will host the Blue Mass.  This mass honors the work and sacrifice of our police and first responders.  Many of our county and town first responders attend.  You don’t have to be a parishioner to attend and show your support.  Let them know you care, even if Hohenleitner doesn’t.


What’s is going on with cannabis? Why hasn't the chairman had a meeting for over a year?  


What is all the debate about the debate? (Part 2: Did the Atlantic Highlands Mayoral candidate use her official position to silence her opponent?)